ach person is born in a religious environment that is not of his/her own
choice. From the very beginning of human existence in this world, they
are assigned the religion of their family or the ideology of the state. By the
time individuals reach their teens they usually accept the beliefs of their
parents or that of their particular society.
However, when some people mature and are exposed to other beliefs
and ideologies, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs.
Seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that
believers of every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy all claim to have
the one and only correct religion or ideology. There are only three
possibilities. They are either all correct; all wrong or only one is correct and
the rest are wrong. They cannot all be right since all religions are different
from each other in their fundamentals. Furthermore, the majority claim that
they alone are correct and the rest are wrong. On the other hand, to claim