
Ethics Messenger of Allah peace be upon him with non-Muslims ..

The human soul in general, be honored and venerated .. This is the launch, and there is no exception because of the color or race or religion, he says in his book: {We have honored the sons of Adam, provided them with transport on land and sea and provided them with good things and preferred them above many of those who created favorable} [Al-Isra: 70].
This honor is global and comprehensive, which cast a shadow over the Muslim and non-Muslims; Everyone carries on land and sea, and everyone is alive and with good things, and everyone is a favorite to many of God's creation.
As for the second quarter is going on in the whole on the issue of recognition of non-Muslims, as claimed by some Altaji on Islam and Muslims that Muslims do not recognize them violators of religious beliefs, does not acknowledge the existence of Jews, Christians and others Ktoaúv entity to ensure its survival next to the Muslims. Dr. Ragheb has Sergani in this chapter to study rapid events Biography of the Prophet; transpires for them to answer these questions, and through Mbgesan: first topic: non-recognition of the Prophet the Muslims, the second topic: Do you recognize the non-Muslims to Muslims?!
The recognition of others from the heart of the Islamic faith; as we do not accept under any circumstances have to hate anyone to change his religion, and everything we hope for the world to read about Islam from its sources to be released right before the provisions on the law of God. And above all of the above .. Is cut off by the Messenger of God with other offenders to recognize him at the end only?! You have exceeded the Messenger of Allah this stage to later and later .. Which was reviewed by Dr. Ragheb Sergani in the third chapter of the book, dealing with a party - not only from the recognition of non-Muslims - but also of respect for them and appreciation of their status, and through four topics: first topic: The beauty of the dialogue, the second topic: the method of preaching in his life , third topic: praise of offenders, the fourth topic: respect for the apostles and leaders (Protocol Prophet).
Is there such a progress in the deal?! Is there anyone who follows these values ​​in its relations with the offending him?! If you wish to do the comparison Foodwa Crusaders at the fall of Andalusia, and the Romans did at the fall of Jerusalem in their hands ...
And characterized Ddha things!!
In a study on the life of the Prophet, and the principles that built on the basis of Sharia by Dr. Nazmi Luke, wrote these words: "What I see the law claimed to be fair and the law of nose for injustice and nervousness from the law says: {and let not the hatred of others not to do justice} [Table 8: .
Any person after the honors himself condemned this principle without principle, or take less than Bdidn Tsampa, straightening ...?! ".
This Certificate a Christian scholar, and more testimonies like it! This is not overlooked in our religion, nor in the biography of our Prophet, which is justice with non-Muslims, have dealt with Dr. Ragheb Sergani extensively and in detail in chapter IV of the book; and it is difficult to countless situations that appeared amended with non-Muslims in a single search; has been addressed through Chapter seven topics: Section One: Justice in Islamic law, the second topic: Justice in financial transactions, the third topic: Justice in the judiciary, the fourth topic: Justice with errant in his case, the fifth topic: governance for proof, the sixth topic: No bearer of burdens shall bear another's burden, the seventh thesis: Justice with the intensity of hatred. All this process is supported by the positions of the life of the Messenger of God.
The world - by all its terms of reference and beliefs - to require the fact to the designated net ethics of prophecy, and the day people know this morality will change - inevitably - lots and lots of conditions of land, open roads and wide out of the many problems and crises.
What will be the leaders of the world dealing in the history and reality of the plan, with plots to kill them?! What would be the reaction of these leaders at the death of their friends and loved ones?!!
When measurement uncertainty will disappear!!
When the comparison will clarify the distinction!!
It should not be one of the people of the earth - whoever he is - to compare the morals of a morality of the Messenger of God; Vokhalaq something all men, and the ethics of prophecy is something else entirely ..
Eager dreams of sane people to live in peace and understanding with them in conflict with religion, sex, and ideas, and develop these dreams and hopes would request the mutual respect between the different parties, or require fair dealing; there is injustice or aggression.
The dream of a little of what is highest and most prestigious, is to reach deal - even in a position to reject - to the degree of intimacy and kindness; shall exchange Smilies - and sometimes gifts - and there is an atmosphere of calm and security.
But to be kind to offenders, and the mainland opponents, followed by a law inherent in most aspects of life, this does not occur to one!!
This is Islam, which does not know many of the worlds, but you may not know many Muslims ..!!
About the meanings former was addressed by Dr. Ragheb Sergani in Chapter V of the book, on this land, the Prophet's non-Muslims, through Investigation Three: Section One: Land, non-Muslims approach God, the second topic: Libra non-Muslims, the third topic: the mainland who hurt him from non-Muslims.
Not what Ahkmh of approach!! Stems approach the divine beauty of the land to non-Muslims from being a human is not a law make up the people to approve or cancel, but as a divine law divine, Muslims worship the Lord applied .. Allah says: {Allah forbids you not those who fight you not for religion nor drove you out of your homes, dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who} [Mumtahinah: 8].
Not what the God of Resurrection! And of the merciful Lord!
I recommend it to believers Ebra range of people rejected the call of God, His Prophet and violated, and followed the approach is contrary to what the Almighty!!
And Muslims come closer to the Lord paper these offenders in their creed, as long as they did not Iharbohem or Azlmohm!!
If the previous pictures of pictures dealing rare, the following is almost impossible!!
In the sixth and final chapter of the book dealt with Dr. Ragheb Sergani righteousness with the leaders of the enemies who resisted and fought for many years .. Righteousness to those who not only ridiculed him and plot against him, but stimulated others to do so, and they were in the period of their senior criminals, and the leaders of the lost.
Through Mbgesan: Section One: Libra with the leaders of Mecca, the second topic: Libra with the leaders of other tribes.
In conclusion .. Solemn appeal to all non-Muslims, we say to them:
This is our religion ..
Is there reason to fear the application of its provisions?!!
The terms of Islamic law and its application to real witness to non-Muslims what they find in the whole world what is the greatest and fairest of the Upper and Islamic law .. The Christians and the Jews of the world did not enjoy the fair as Namoa it under Islamic rule.
We do not find in our history - and the wider Rahapth - refers to the oppression or injustice or unfairness to non-Muslim communities in the Muslim community.
We are - to our time - we still inherit the rules of righteousness in dealing, and justice in governance, and respect in relations with non-Muslims, whatever they were in our societies.
If you see injustice real ruler of rulers, or of a judge in some stage of history, or in a scene from the scenes of reality, this - no doubt - for the exception, as it is - no doubt, too - the injustice and the reality of all parties , including the Muslim side!! The oppressor does not distinguish in the darkness between the Muslim and non-Muslim, and just as amended does not differentiate between the Muslim and non-Muslim.
O people, you who live in the East and the West .. It is not in our power not our job to make you Muslims, but which we have, and commanded us to get our message to you pure white, then leave it to you in full freedom .. Say believe in him or do not believe} [Al-Isra: 107].
We are sure that there are days when our Lord will judge us right, and everyone will know - then - who infected, and who was wrong, and who follow true guidance, and was in clear error. .. {The Lord provides for them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ} [Yunus: 93].

The Moment of Death

The Moment of Death Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Dzak is good Sheikh Yusuf Estes


Imâm an-Nawawî's 40 Hadîth Explanation 
by: Ibrahem Tleme

1st Hadith Of The Forty

Actions are judged by intentions

On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said : I heared the messenger of Allah salla Allah u alihi wa sallam say : 

(Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated.) related by Bukhari and Muslim 




ach person is born in a religious environment that is not of his/her own

choice. From the very beginning of human existence in this world, they

are assigned the religion of their family or the ideology of the state. By the

time individuals reach their teens they usually accept the beliefs of their

parents or that of their particular society.

However, when some people mature and are exposed to other beliefs

and ideologies, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs.

Seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that

believers of every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy all claim to have

the one and only correct religion or ideology. There are only three

possibilities. They are either all correct; all wrong or only one is correct and

the rest are wrong. They cannot all be right since all religions are different

from each other in their fundamentals. Furthermore, the majority claim that

they alone are correct and the rest are wrong. On the other hand, to claim


The Importance of Manners

The Importance of Manners

Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #271, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Ibn Hibban.
...Abu Darda' reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one's good manners."
Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #286 and Ahmad
Abu Huraira, r.a., said, "I heard Abu al Qasim (the Prophet saaws), say, 'The best among you in Islam are those with the best manners, so long as they develop a sense of understanding.' "
Hadith - At-Tabaraanee collected it, and Albani authenticated it in Silsilatul-AHaadeethis-Saheehah (#432).
The Prophet (saaws) said: "The most beloved of Allah's servants to Allah are those with the best manners."
Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, and Tirmidhi
... 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr said, "The Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, was never obscene or coarse. Rather, he used to tell us that the best among us were those with the best manners."
Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad
... Anas said, "I served the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, for ten years. During that time, he never once said to me as much as 'Oof' if I did something wrong. He never asked me, if I had failed to do something, 'Why did you not do it?,' and he never said to me, if I had done something wrong, 'Why did you do it?' "
Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners # 285, Hakim, and Abu Dawud
... Abu Huraira, r.a., said that the Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, "If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer."
Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners # 290, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad
... Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet of Allah (saaws) said, "And what is most likely to send people to Paradise? Being conscious of Allah and good manners."
Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners # 296, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Darimi, Abu 'Awanah, Hakim, and Ibn Hibban.
... Nawas ibn Sam'an reported that the Prophet of Allah, saaws, was asked about doing good and evil. He replied, "Doing good is having good manners. Doing evil is what troubles you inside and what you would not like others to know about."
Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #360, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and Hakim
The Prophet of Allah, saaws, said, "He who does not show mercy to our young or show esteem for our elders is not one of us."


Shawwal. 6


Shawwal is the tenth month in the lunar calendar, as mentioned earlier. The first of Shawwal is Eidul Fitr. After the festivity of Eid it is recommended to observe six days of fast. This fast may be observed continuously non-break, or it may be observed one day at a time. If you observe it continuously, you may start on the fourth day and end on the ninth of day Shawwal, or you may select days at random, provided you complete six days before the end of Shawwal. For instance, you may observe the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, 14th and 15th days. Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari (raa) related the Messenger of Allah, (saas), said:

"Whoever observes the Ramadan fast and follows it with six days of fast in Shawwal, it is as if he has fasted Dahr (the whole year)." (Bukhari) It has been mentioned earlier that Dahr means the whole year. Possibly it may also mean forever, or for life.

Analyzing this hadith, our jurists (`Ulama) explained how according to this hadith, a Muslim who fasts during Ramadan every year and follows it with six days fast of Shawwal, will be credited for fasting a whole lifetime. The Jurists correctly said: a good deed (hasanah) is rewarded a minimum of ten times its equivalent. It follows, then, that one Ramadan is equivalent to ten months of fasting, and the clincher, six days, is equal to two months, (6x10=60). That undoubtedly completes the year's twelve months. Thus, we see the wisdom and the reason why the Prophet (saas) mentioned six days after Ramadan in Shawwal, not five or seven.


Ramadan is the month of mercy

Ramadan is the month of mercy ...

It is a month down the great God God Verses

Allaah has enjoined upon the Muslims fasting
And promised them with good things
It is a month cream
Frequent mention of God
People work and good deeds

Have mercy on the poor and the rich
Thus, it was the owners of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
They rejoice in the arrival of this holy month

Because it will bring them closer to God Almighty

Ask God to help us in this holy month

And forgive us our sins

Ramadan is the month of mercy

Abu Elias


Honesty in Islam

slam orders the Muslim to be honest to himself and others. This order repeatedly comes in the Noble Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Islam orders the Muslim to tell the truth even if it is against the teller's interest. Orders him not to cheat or deceive other people. A Muslim is ordered by Allah to be honest in his words and deeds, privately and publicly alike.
Implication of Honesty
Honesty in words implies telling the truth in all cases and under all conditions. Honesty also implies fulfilling the promise, whether written or given orally, in text and spirit. Honesty also implies giving the right advice to the 

one who asks for it.

Honesty also implies doing one's work as sincerely and 
as perfectly as possible. Honesty also implies carrying out duties as fully as possible whether the person is supervised or not. Honesty means giving every person his due rights without his asking for these rights.
Honesty means doing the right thing in the right way at the right time. Honesty means objectivity in judgment, objectivity in evaluation, and objectivity in decisions of all types. Honesty implies the right selection of personnel and the right promotion of personnel, i.e., selection by merit and promotion by merit, not by temper or favouritism or personal relations.
Honesty is a blanket term that covers a wide range of traits. It covers telling the truth, sincerity in work, carrying out duties, fulfilling one's word, objective judgments, and objective decisions. Honesty is the opposite of lying, the opposite of bluffing, the opposite of hypocrisy, the opposite of favouritism, and the opposite of deceit.
External and Internal Honesty
By external honesty, I mean honesty, which is judged by other people. By internal honesty, I mean honesty which is judged by the person himself alone.
The reward of external honesty comes from Allah, from people, and from the psychological satisfaction the honest person feels. When you are honest, you are liked by God and people whom you deal with. Your honesty gives you the social approval you need and here comes the social value of honesty.
Further, when everybody is honest, a great deal of human problems disappear including lying, cheating, bluffing, stealing, forgery, and many other social diseases. In other words, honesty is something you give and something you take: others enjoy your honesty and you enjoy their honesty.
In the absence of honesty, many social diseases appear. If a person is dishonest, he is ready to tell lies, to bribe, to be bribed, to distort the truth, to cheat, to forge, to deceive others, and to break his promises. A dishonest person is a totality of diseases. He is ready to misbehave at any time. Each time he misbehaves, he causes a great disturbance or harm to one person or to a group of persons or to the whole nation, in some cases.
Internal Honesty: Thus honesty is a factor in the psychological health of the honest person himself and the health of other persons whom he deals with. However, Islam emphasises internal honesty, i.e., honesty which is judged by the person himself and cannot be seen by other people.
It often happens that a person acts privately. Sometimes we act with nobody seeing us. A believer in Allah feels that although no person is watching him, Allah is watching. This continuous watch of Allah develops the concept of internal honesty or conscience in the believer. This means that internal honesty becomes an overall strategy of the believer.
The Muslim is to be honest, internally and externally, privately and publicly, whether observed by other people or not, whether he acts or speaks. This overall honesty makes the Muslim confident of himself, of his behaviour, and of his words and deeds. Honesty makes the person feel that he trusts others and is trusted by others.
This mutual confidence makes the believer feel self-satisfied and socially secure.
Honesty implies unity of behaviour, unity of standards, and integrity of personality. Honesty implies being away from internal conflicts, social conflicts and self-contradiction.
Building Honesty
The important question, however, is this: how does Islam build honesty in the Muslim? Islam builds ethical qualities in general and honesty in particular in several ways:
1- Instructions. Allah orders the Muslim to be honest in all
 cases, in all deeds and words, to himself and others.

2. Reason. Allah shows the Muslim rationally that honesty is the best policy, even on utilitarian bases.
3. Reward. Allah promises the honest person generous rewards in the first life and in the second life.
4. Punishment. Allah threatens the dishonest person with severe punishment for his dishonest behaviour.
5. Practice. Allah develops the habit of honesty in the Muslim through actual practice, i.e., through fasting and prayer.
Thus Islam builds the habit of honesty in the Muslim through direct instructions, through rational arguments, through the reward and punishment principles, and through practice.
The Practice of Honesty
Taking fasting as an example, when a Muslim fasts, he should abstain from any kind of food or drink from dawn until sunset. This means that a fasting Muslim should not eat or drink for several continuous hours, including not engaging in sexual intercourse with his wife or her husband.
The important thing here is that a fasting Muslim does not allow a drop of water to go into his mouth from dawn until sunset in spite of his thirst, because he has learned to be honest, i.e., internally honest. The only observer of a fasting person is Allah and the person himself. Here is an actual and real practice of honesty exercised during the whole month of Ramadan.
Of course, one of the components of honesty is refusing to submit to temptations and impulses. In Ramadan, the Muslim is thirsty, but he does not drink; he is hungry, but he does not eat. In Ramadan, water is spatially near but psychologically far from the Muslim; water is near to the Muslim but far from his desire. This is a practical exercise of self-control and internal honesty.
So, Islam instructs the Muslim to be honest and trains him to be so. The outcome is a healthy self and a healthy social atmosphere that leads to the happiness of both the individual and the group


No god but God

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
I bear witness that God but Allah alone with no partner to him is the righteous
I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, peace be upon him
---------------- Unification is (belief in the existence of God and its members a deist and divinity and faith in all His names and attributes
The Department of scholars of Tawheed (unification of the Godhead and the divinity of the names of the recipes)
Tawheed al-
A member of God in creation and the king and the measure)
Directory of the Koran - as saying Anaaly (mankind, jinn and it's) 54 norms
This is proof of creation and it is here the sense of measure
The guide says the king (and to God belongs the heavens and the earth) 27 Crouching
The directory of the year - directed by sheikhs from the hadeeth of Abdullah bin Masood, may God bless him
Said - I said, Oh Messenger of God any more guilt? Said (to make a rival to Allaah created you)
Did not deny the Godhead, but one unifying Almlahadp has been recognized by the disbelievers and the evidence for that
Verse (If thou ask them who created them, to say, God) 87 _ decoration guide creation
King - the verse (If thou ask them Who created the heavens and the earth? Mighty, the Knower created them) 9 decoration
Measure (Say Who gives you sustenance from heaven and the earth have the security of hearing and sight and out the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living, and arrange it, they would say God save Him) 31 Younis
Unification of divinity
Which members of worship of God)
This uniformity for him God created the creation, and sent the Messengers and revealed Books and for them God created the earth and the heavens and for them the time and saw the focus scales and flying newspapers took his right hand and taken from behind his back and for them God created the heaven and hell and for them took place rivalries among the prophets and their nations - and among the followers of the prophets of the people of monotheism and polytheism and between people of superstitions, legends and for them the war and stripped of Swords Jihad in the way of Allah Evidence from the Quran - (and Maomarwa only to worship Allah with sincere devotion to Him, 5) the evidence
Meaning (and sent a messenger to you but We revealed to him that to God but I, so worship Me) 25 prophets
Guide of the year _ (as stated in Sahih Muslim from Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him
That the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said (of God Eichrk At Him to enter Paradise and whoever received associating anything with Him entered Fire)
Standardization of names and attributes
Among the Sunnis believe in the names and attributes of Allaah
1 - They are proving to Allah what proved to himself and demonstrated his messenger peace be upon him of the correct year
2 - demonstrate how the meaning and delegate to God
3 - Thinking of God for similar qualities in creatures
4 - Oatkadon all the attributes of God Almighty qualities of real creatures Atmathl recipes
5 - denied denied by God himself in his book or on the lips of His attributes of lack of belief with evidence of such perfection against exiled him
Example (God denied himself a Allgop fatigue and exhaustion and to be denied Allgop with proven and is the opposite Kamal
--- Directory of the Koran - the meaning (there is nothing like the All-Hearer) 11 Shura
Buckets of the year - (Helms in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Moosa al-Ash'ari that the
Prophet, peace be upon him said (to God to Manila and should not have to sleep reduces the premium
And then send it raises him work the night before a work day and work the day before the work of a great veil of the night if the light detected for the prayer beads and burnt his face what I ended up with his vision of creation)

Brother: Abu Elias (Munir Hitar)


Do not be sad


O God, Creature in the heavens and the earth every day is like : If the sea was troubled, and Haag, The Wave, and the wind blew, club owners of the ship: "O God. If atheist lost in the desert and money behind the road, the convoy Hart in the BIOS, called for: "O God. If the catastrophe occurred, and was perched Nakba and the Holocaust, called for the patient afflicted: "O God. If you closed the doors to the students, and brought down the curtains in the faces of the questions, they shouted: "O God. If Bart tricks and narrowed the ways and ended the hopes and stranded ropes, proclaim: "O God. If you have narrowed the earth, and narrowed yourself what you downloaded, Vahtv: Oh, God. To Him ascend good words, and pray for sincere, honest and phone, and tears of the innocent, and lamentation Allowalh. To provide the palms in Bewitchments, and needs in the hands, and eyes in calamities, accidents and questions. Sings his tongues and cry and meditate and shouts, and the penis do hearts find rest and live life, and emotions calm down and cool nerves, Ithob majority, and settled with certainty,) of God to His servants:God: the best names and most beautiful characters, and believe the statements, and the most precious words), did you know has a toxic ?! God: If the rich and survival, strength and victory, and glory, power and wisdom), God is King Day One, the Almighty God: If kindness and care, and relief and duration, and the friendliness and kindness), and you of the grace of God it is 


Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Thus was the Prophet and the Prophet, My idol



Prophet peace be upon him and his treatment of Jews and Christians


It is well known that our religion and praise the religion of the splendor and dignity is far from the insult, but with the

Our inclusion body until justice and mercy is not very unfair to anyone ever, but treated with justice

Who was a Muslim and not Muslim "See ye if one of you for being non-Muslims

It is that you must not improved his side by saying or doing, but said the Prophet peace be upon him

Him: (Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, generous to his neighbor), but does not affect the generosity of religion

Disorder, scientists said that the neighbor may Allaah have mercy if he was a Muslim neighborhood and the right of the right Hakan

Islam and was soon one of three right-neighborly relationship and the right of the right of Islam, although he is a kaafir

He is right and the right one for this neighborhood and has enjoined the Prophet peace be upon him if the peace we

People of the Book to respond to them because God said (if you greet in return with what is better, or at least)

This is the year for Muslims and others bless it in like a greeting Vhih Vhih good or better

Than or similar to, but that the greeting be prohibited, it may not be replayed, but advised the yolk and explain to him

He said upon him blessings and peace does not initiate the Jews and the Christians in peace and handed over if we have to say and you)

This is because the Jews in the city were handed over to the Muslims say: (boring to you)

Do you know what boredom? Boredom is death means that they are passing on the Muslims

They say once you die a Jew on the Prophet peace be upon him and the God of peace and greeted him

The boring you, O Muhammad said Aisha, may Allah be pleased: (you and damn boring)

Venhaha Prophet peace be upon him, for it has increased to what he said is boring

You said it boring and the curse, and this should not be in the face of the Jews and Christians

If we say God's curse on the Jews and the Christians, but if you need him the Jewish

Or Christian or infidel, "said Peace be upon you Ballam obvious, you say you peace

Because the Prophet peace be upon him and the God of peace and said: (The Jews say that if they pass you say boring and you say, you)

He used to say poison they were boring but they say peace peace

Hence the bin values God's mercy in his book Dhimmah

: (If you Ballam said peace, you say the obvious and you have the peace of Allah's words: If you greet in return with what is better, or at least)

Responded better, you know he may not be from the infidels to peace, but human tests may

May be president of the company, for example a non-Muslim employee enters it says what can we say

Good morning to say good morning to whom? You may also, and good morning for him to

Allah Almighty guide him to Islam, if you say good morning, you did not initiate the handshake of peace, but I

Good morning and good morning no one knows you like yourself or someone else you want but you want to yourself

Reality and of others who please him well, brethren, that of justice of Islam that the mercy of

If Islam was a non-Muslim does not affect Muslims of him ill, it is not critical to guide him

And improve it to the words of God Almighty:

(God forbids you not those who fight you in religion nor drove you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them:)

Thus was the Prophet and the Prophet, My idol

Your brother in God: Mounir al-Hetar
I ask God that the benefit to this letter
May peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you